How your Mind Power can work for you
Your thoughts are the raw materials in the workshop of the mind.
To say that we have had to face unprecedented challenges globally within 2020 months would be stating the obvious. The impact of global occurrences always have a way of filtering into our lives. If asked, I believe we each have a story or two to tell.
There has never been a time such as now to develop the skills necessary to effectively manage the impact of the changes all around us. Truth be told, in the midst of all of these we still have within each and every one of us that human capacity to make the most of our lives – Our minds. It is with such industrious minds that the vaccines that would have previously taken almost a decade, took about ten months to developed.
As you engage your mind power, you can build a remarkable life regardless of the challenges of the moment. Will James was right when he wrote:
‘Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind’. – William James
Your mind is the workshop of today’s joy or ill, the drawing room of tomorrow’s reality. Whatever happens, in your mind will happen in time unless intercepted by a contrary thought. It is in this arena that we win or lose, create, or destroy. In our minds, we build or break our lives.
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life”.
Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)
Your thoughts are the raw materials in the workshop of the mind. In the mind, thoughts become things. Thoughts, words, and pictures in the workshop of your mind become truly powerful forces, able to build or to break, depending on how they are used.
Mind management therefore is a priority skill for anyone who wants to push the boundaries of performance. The Roman poet, Ovid declared, ‘The mind makes the man’. Another way to put that is, ‘Where the mind, goes the man follows.’
A mind without a dream to anchor it will drift aimlessly. To manage your mind, you’ve got to engage it by giving it a strong and positive dream to work on. The mind works constantly, even while you are sleeping. In the arena of the mind, a vacuum is not permitted. This results in a colossal waste of mental energy if you do not engage it productively. The mind has an awesome power to go to work and create whatever it is tasked to do, so why not go ahead, and anchor your mind on specific goals. Your mind takes on tasks and turns them into living realities. Will you let your mind work for you or against you? You’ve got the choice.